Welcome to Venezuela is the motto of the perhaps most beautiful pavilion.
This pavilion gives you an idea of the enormous variety of the plants
and animals of Venezuela.
The pavilion of Venezuela consists of three levels. On the first
level you meet the cultural variety. On the second level there are the
products introduced and on the third level you can take a tour through
the four wonderful areas with their ecosystems.
The first level of Venezuela begins with pictures of different
types of humans which are to be found in Venezuela. This nice presentation
was very admirable for me because there were really friendly people.
After this you come into a room where you can see the aboriginals.
The differ-ence and the cultural wealth of the aboriginals you can see
in this exhibition was wonderful. Now you can see personalities who were
fighting for freedom in the world. They made their contribution for the
Venezuela we have today. On the way to the last exhibition you see a huge
aquarium. On the next exhibition you see the different areas of the country.
This level was surrounded by exotic plants.
The second level begins with terminals. They show us the investments,
produc-tion and the development of Venezuela. After this there are six
tunnels which show us the development in Venezuela today. They are water,
energy, environ-ment, agriculture, mining and the Venezuela of the future.
After the tunnel you can look a film of the real Venezuela. The film shows
to us the nature and the business of the country. At the end they show
us the six tunnels again. This level was surrounded by a huge aquarium.
The last level shows to us the different types of nature in Venezuela.
First you can see the beautiful countryside of the Anden. The Anden and
the Amazonas are the most important nature phenomena of Venezuela. After
this you can see the coast and the sea with their ecological variety. The
way out of the pavilion was full of beautiful plants.